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Tunnel Landscape Design

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1. Guideline of Advanced Type 

  • Facade: Emphasizing the advanced image through the use of a futuristic image and a simple finishing material of metallic material through morphological emphasis on the entrance upper part

  • Peripheral part: Design and entrance of basic part Ensure that the linearity and behavior of the entrance are unified and create a buffer zone that links with the slope around the entrance

  • Inside of the Tunnel: Apply simple patterns emphasizing directionality to advanced images and incorporate embedded lighting facilities at the base to enhance visual interest.

  • Canopy: Applies a canopy that stands out for its future-oriented symbolism.

  • Lighting: Color enhancement of the structure itself through up lighting to the entrance canopy.

2. Guideline of Cultural Type 

  • Facade: Cultural motifs are symbolized by the entrance design concept, and the symbolic image is created in three dimensions rather than direct presentation through painting.

  • Peripheral part: The basic part design is connected with the entrance entrance surface to give a sense of unity and introduce partial green space. In addition, a buffer zone linked to slopes around the entrance

  • Inside the tunnel: Apply symbolic patterns and images reflecting local characteristics, and reflect cultural elements in consideration of height of gaze when walking on foot to provide opportunity for pedestrian culture experience

  • Canopy: Not applicable unless the canopy is suitable for cultural symbolic representation.

  • Lighting: External Lighting Up Lighting emphasizes the arches and patterns of tunnels.

3. Guideline of Tourism Type 

  • Facade: The symbolic color and pattern elements of the sightseeing spot are introduced to the upper entrance, and the simplified symbolic element of the local tourism resources is installed.

  • Peripheral part: Consider a three-dimensional character design so that the basic boundary is linked with the inner part of the tunnel, and a gorgeous entry landscape is formed through the shrub planting.

  • Inside the tunnel: Provides a lively landscape with uncomplicated super-graphic presentation.

  • Canopy: When the canopy is installed, the periphery is simplified and emphasized, and the canopy image is displayed on the top of the canopy as a three-dimensional character.

  • Lighting: Introducing the colorful image of the spot The image of the sightseeing spot is highlighted at the entrance.

4. Guideline of Ecological Type 

  • Facade: Emphasize environment-friendliness by introducing a reinforced soil that can be planted and planted using a linear concrete structure that covers the entrance to the entrance.

  • Peripheral part: It is connected linearly from the entry entrance to the green part of the base, and the slope around the entry entrance is composed of whole green area and harmonizes with the surrounding landscape.

  • Inside of the tunnel: Finished of the base foundation using natural material motif pattern and eco-friendly materials and materials.

  • Canopy: Artificial structures are not installed to emphasize images of surrounding ecological scenery.

  • Lighting: Eco-friendly low-light lighting enables efficient utilization of ecological images even at night through lighting of green roads.

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